Finding Your Way in Construction

The world needs construction workers. Thankfully, with this article, you'll be able to step up to the plate and meet the demands of a changing world. Construction is a wide field of jobs and career options; this article will help you navigate those options, by discussing full-time, part-time, and self-employed options.

Full Time

Full-time construction work generally requires just a tad more education and experience than many other construction-based employment opportunities. On the more prestigious end, you have the surveyor. Surveyors analyze elevation, slopes, and the general characteristics of the land the client would be building on. Surveying can earn you lots of money quickly (upwards of $90K/year with some reaching $150-200K!), but it comes with a price: generally all surveying jobs require a bachelor's degree in a construction-related field. This is a career you may want to consider if you are currently in college or if you do not mind a long, tough road with a big payoff.

Another option for full-time work in this field is the electrician. Electricians, once again, need at least a little bit of education/certification. Through investigating, repairing, and optimizing electrical networks throughout a build site, electricians are definitely needed in today's economy. Electricianship generally requires some form of certification or licensing. Make sure to research options specific to your region. Unlike surveying, however, electricians do not make a whole lot of money initially. You're looking at around $15K as a minimum for when you're first starting out. Eventually, you'll work your way up to a decent middle-class income of $75-90K, however.

Part Time

Part-time options are more flexible. Many of these careers you can transform into a full-time living after years of experience. Part-time work can be dirty and unrewarding (at first), but it's a great starting point for any interested in the field. First, you should consider carpentry laborers. Rather than carpenters, who do the carpentry themselves, carpentry laborers generally aid in carpenters' work by gathering materials and constructing the elements that carpenters design. This is a great entry level job for carpentry careers. Expect to make near minimum wage at first, and for it to be a humble job. No experience or education is required, however.

Another aspect of part-time construction is flooring and tile. Again, this is a labor-based field. Through aiding with basic installation techniques, you can learn the trade pretty quickly. Again, expect very humble pay, but with a high ceiling for personal growth and craftsmanship. Like many other part time construction jobs, this one is entry level.

Let's Talk Self-Employment

The list above is hardly exhaustive; make sure to research more about different full-time and part-time job opportunities. Construction has a niche carved out for entrepreneurship; many construction workers are independent contractors or owners of major construction businesses. Unfortunately, because of this diversity in the field, there isn't much advice other than to browse the Internet finding tips for starting new business. If there's a one-stop small business advice kiosk or center near you, take advantage of it. If there are entrepreneurship classes at your local community college, enroll in them. Find your passion in the construction industry, whether it be carpentry, roofing, or tiling, and become your own boss.

In Conclusion

Construction jobs are a diverse field indeed. However, with the proper tools, you can navigate this complex arena and become successful in the world of construction.